Maximizing the Health Benefits of Clean Household Energy in Peri-Urban Nepal
In 2019, with support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, the Clean Cooking Alliance successfully completed the two-year demonstration project “Maximizing the Health Benefits of Clean Household Energy in Peri-Urban Nepal,” designed to support the Government of Nepal’s objective to establish smoke-free kitchen communities and improve health outcomes through clean cooking. The project was implemented by LEADERS-Nepal, Junkiri Interactive, Ajummery Bikas Foundation, the Schatz Energy Research Center at Humboldt State University, RTI International, and the University of Houston, with support from Rooster Logic, Keivtech Technology, Mountain Air Engineering, and other experts and local partners. The project identified clean fuels and technologies that meet local needs and explored the best means of increasing access and encouraging their use. For more policy briefs on this project, click here.
To download the full summary report, click here.