CCA published the fourth edition of its private sector-focused industry trends report!Read the 2023 Industry Snapshot now

Investor ResourcesImproved Stoves: Usage Rates

This section contains information on the latest investment and operational trends in clean cooking, including customer perceptions of clean cooking companies’ products and services. All data has been aggregated to protect the identity of the companies.

If you would like to know more about the underlying data CCA has available, please reach out to

Industry Snapshot Data

This section contains information on the latest investment and revenue trends in clean cooking. The selection of charts and commentary have been taken from the latest version of the Industry Snapshot. All data has been aggregated, so as to protect the identity of the companies.

Clean Cooking Customer Benchmarking

CCA partnered with 60 Decibels to interview almost 5,000 clean cooking customers. Some of the aggregated findings and insights are displayed below.

Updated in 2023, the CCA Venture Catalyst’s Lean Data Insights Aggregate Report contains data from 18 CCA Venture Catalyst portfolio companies, working across 9 countries. The report is available here


As of January 2023, at least 1,075 cookstove projects have been registered. These projects have generated a combined total of 69.7 million carbon credits to date, which is approximately 4% of the total issuances seen on the Voluntary carbon market to date.

(Data source: Ivy S. So, Barbara K. Haya, Micah Elias. (2023, January). Voluntary Registry Offsets Database v7.1, Berkeley Carbon Trading Project, University of California, Berkeley. Analysis by CCA)

Clean Cooking RBF

Here is a table of all known Results Based Financing programs that involve clean cooking. If you would like to add to the table, please email us at

Program Name Status Start Year Final Year Countries of Operation Total RBF Size Eligible Cooking Fuel Types Implementing Organization Scope
Energising Development (EnDeV) Result-Based Financing (RBF) for low carbon energy access Completed 2012 2020 Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Laos, Malawi, Nepal, Peru, Vietnam $55m Electricity, biomass, biogas GIZ/EnDev Energy, including cooking
Carbon Initiative for Development (Ci-Dev) Implementation 2014 2025 Rwanda, Madagascar, Laos, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia $76m Biomass, Ethanol, biogas The CiDev Trust Fund is managed by the World Bank Energy, including cooking
Clean Cooking Fund (CCF) Implementation 2020 Ongoing Africa, South Asia, Rwanda $500m All ESMAP Just cooking
Renewable Energy and Climate Technologies (REACT) RBF Programme Implementation 2021 2023 Kenya $4m biomass, ethanol, LPG, Biogas AECF Energy, including cooking
Kenya Off-Grid Solar Access Project (KOSAP) RBF and Debt Facility Implementation 2018 2023 Kenya $5m Biomass Technologies, LPG, Ethanol, Biogas, Electric Cooking SNV/SunFunder Energy, including cooking
BRILHO Mozambique Implementation 2019 2024 Mozambique $40m wood, charcoal, pellets, briquettes, biogas, LPG, ethanol SNV Energy, including cooking
East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Clean Stove Initative (CSI) Implementation 2012 2025 Indonesia, China, Laos, Mongolia $137m Biomass World Bank and country ministries Just cooking
Universal Energy Facility (UEF) In design 2020 Ongoing Africa $500m All SEForAll Energy, including cooking
Beyond the Grid Africa (BGFA) Implementation 2019 2028 Burkina Faso, Liberia, Zambia, Mozambique, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo $108m All Nefco; REEEP Energy, including cooking
Clean & Cook Impact Bond In design Unknown Unknown Kenya $0.5m All Cardano Development (incubated by Frontier Finance Solutions) Just cooking
Impact Buying Facility In design Unknown Unknown Unknown $9m All Cardano Development (incubated by Frontier Finance Solutions) Just cooking
Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) SDG 7 RBF Facilities Implementation 2019 2026 Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ethiopia, Gambia, India, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Uganda, Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, South Sudan $24.4m All RVO Energy, including cooking
Modern Cooking Facility for Africa (MCFA) Implementation 2022 2027 Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia $30.5m Electric, biogas, briquettes, pellets, bioethanol Nefco Just cooking
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